How to Download Instagram Photos Using Inflact

Download Instagram Photos Using Inflact

How to apply an Instagram photo downloader to grow Organic reach

In 2022 Instagram presents a huge content production factory. Every day this content becomes more and more high quality as more and more users start promotions on Instagram. Therefore, to grow followers, you constantly need fresh media, and visuals, and follow trends, including graphic design and fashion. Now, it’s not necessary to take photos on your phone’s camera in order to always have ideas. Any content manager should learn how to download Instagram photos.

Downloader like Inflact is a service that allows you to scrape images from social networks without losing quality. For example, if you want to get a photo, you often take a screenshot. But try to zoom in on the screenshot or make an Instagram post out of it. You will see that the resolution of this screenshot is much worse than the original post because the social network compresses the quality to optimize memory. 

When downloading a visual via web services, you can scrape a file in the form in which the author uploaded it to IG. This opportunity lets users recycle this image. But in this case, you must specify the content owner and profile from where you got this photo.

Instagram photo downloader tutorial

Now there are many services that allow you to download not only photos from various social networks. You can receive videos, and live broadcasts from popular social networks like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as YouTube videos and tracks from SoundCloud. To be able to download all the videos and visuals from top networks at once, you need to use advanced services. For example, these can be Inflact, Bigbangram, and other services that are higher in the search results. The advantage of these download methods is that you will not need to install any additional application on your phone or computer in order to extract the media file.

Extracting media files works in 3 easy steps.

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First, users should copy a URL to the required visual. If you open the IG application, it may seem that there are no links there. However, if you open any photo in the browser, you will understand that each post is tied to a specific link. In fact, it is a separate page of the website. In order to copy the link in the application, you need to go to the menu, which is located below the three dots next to each post. Find the option to copy the link there.

  • Next, open the Instagram downloader in your browser. You can use this site both from your phone and from your computer. The download speed of the photo is almost instantaneous. Within a few seconds after the delivery of a link, you will be able to download the associated visual.
  • After downloading, you will find that this photo or video will be saved to the Downloads’ folder in the browser. After that, it will be possible to get this photo or video on your phone. 
  • Thus, in a few steps, you can save absolutely any media file that is posted on social media sites. In case you don’t want your media library to be downloaded, the only way to avoid it is to set up your account as private. Downloaders can’t access content if it’s protected by privacy settings because third-party sites won’t be able to open this page. 

Read also: Save Instagram Reels in the gallery with music

Pay special attention to those visuals that are trending on the Explore page. The algorithm offers these visuals as trending ones, so for sure, this content collects many comments, that is, audience engagement. And if you reuse and share these visuals with the audience, there is a big chance that they will like them too and you will get an additional source of followers. 

In fact, by downloading content, you can grow the organic reach of the audience only by getting attention through visuals. In this case, you don’t even have to leave the house to have content. Now your task is to monitor accounts that can share potentially interesting materials.

One of the recent IG tendencies is to run an account that shares visuals downloaded from other profiles. It is vital to link these visuals to one theme. For instance, you can make a thematic group about travel. And if you pick up a photo and create a caption – for example, about travelling across Greece, you will soon attract targeted followers who are considered visuals.

At the same time, to collect photos, you can use the accounts of travellers, people who mark Greece as a location, as well as photographers, or even other thematic accounts. The main rule is to post photos in such a way that they look stylish in the feed and these people who opened your profile for the first time were interested and wanted to check on every publication.