How to Use Youtube Videos for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing provides brands with results-based access to a broad audience. Brands pay as high as 70% commissions to affiliates for the sales they bring in. And this attracts a lot of bloggers and vloggers interested in increasing their revenue to become affiliates. Youtube is the biggest video platform nowadays and influencers, companies, brands are creating videos around their products and creating brand awareness through their youtube channel. But to do affiliate marketing with youtube is only possible when you have a perfect youtube marketing strategy to promote and boost your channel.

For a long time now, written content has been used to attract traffic to websites for product promotion. But this trend is changing towards video-focused affiliate marketing. According to a survey done by MarketingDive, more than 85% of millennials have purchased a product after watching a video online.

Creating videos may sound intimidating, but anyone can make excellent videos with a simple video maker. But is it worth the extra time? Let’s find out how videos can help your affiliate marketing efforts.

Affiliate Marketing with Youtube Videos

A higher number of targeted users visiting your affiliate links is always better. Though Google happily sends over searches to high-quality review websites, a much more significant chunk of users are searching for reviews on Youtube. 

And this is where your visibility can increase if your content is available in video form as well. If you’ve already written a review on a particular product, you can also convert it into a video format. Here are a few tips to keep in mind while creating your affiliate videos. 

  • Create Amateure-ish Thumbnails

In this day and age of distraction, you need to earn your user’s attention. Most businesses are busy making videos look as professionally made as possible. But what attracts clicks on YouTube are the videos that seem to be made by someone with average video and graphic designing skills. 

Think big, bold text on thumbnails with strange color combinations. 

Though it makes your video thumbnail look like it is made by a kid, it’s what gets your users’ attention.

Now there’s a catch here. You need to know your target audience and understand what your target audience expects to see. If you’re marketing a graphic design product or a photography accessory, the thumbnails and video quality need to be much higher. 

For most other products, you can get a higher click-through rate with basic graphics.

  • Write Long-Form Descriptions

Consider your video description as a blog post. YouTube’s search algorithm is very similar to Google’s. It looks through the description and the tags on your video to understand the content. 

To maximize the opportunities for ranking for multiple keywords, write an extensive description. Most people may never read through the description. But our goal is to get the video showing up in as many search results as possible.

The descriptions also allow us to add multiple affiliate links, which you can then talk about in your video. 

You can say a line and add a quick graphic within your video, stating that the direct links to the products are in your video description; you have a higher chance of getting users to click through.

  • Leverage Videos to Rank Better in Search Results

Many factors go into ranking a website. And adding videos to your blog posts and on Youtube affect two of these ranking factors:

  • Dwell time

  • Social signals

The end goal of every website is that users spend more time. If Google sees that people are spending more time on your website, it signals that your content is relevant and useful. 

  • Add a video at the beginning of your blog posts. This gives your users a choice in the format in which they want to consume your content.

  • Add a link to your blog at the beginning or end of your video description.


As people click through, Google sees more traffic from outside. This acts as a social signal for Google, where it understands that people are coming to your website from other websites. 

Both of these factors help boost rankings above your competitors. And the result is better to affiliate sales. 

Affiliate Videos for Social Media

Compared to Google and Youtube, people aren’t actively searching for content on social media.

They’re scrolling endlessly as social media platforms provide unlimited customized content for the users. If you are aware that most of your audience spends time on social media, you need them to stop scrolling and take some time to look at what you’re offering. 

Compared to text, videos are highly likely to get a user to stop and take a look. Though there’s the catch of not every video getting the users’ notice. 

So here are a few tips to make your videos scroll-stoppers:

  • Add a blurred image in the beginning. Something that seems familiar but instills uncertainty of what the image might turn into.

  • Create non-professional graphics, so you can stand out from all the other people running advertisements and look genuine.

  • Make the video entertaining and informative before promoting your products.

  • Add a solid CTA in the video description and at the end of the video.

If you run paid ads, video marketing can boost your conversions. According to a statistical survey by Wordstream, video marketers on social media grow their revenue 49% faster than text-based marketers.

Choosing the Right Tools for Your Creating Videos

There are a lot of video editors available in the market. You can stick to what you’re comfortable with so you can get started quickly in the beginning. The more time you spend learning the tool, the less time you have to market the products that earn you an income.

Look for easy-to-use online video editors or use the pre-installed ones like the Windows video editor or iMovie editor. As you grow comfortable with the tools, you can switch to more advanced editing if your niche calls for it. 

FAQs related to Affiliate Marketing with Youtube

Are affiliate links allowed on Youtube?

The straight answer is yes. Affiliate links are allowed on YouTube videos. Even if you don’t have any subscribers or a little number of subscribers on your YouTube channel, you can promote affiliate products on your youtube videos. There are lots of affiliate programs you can join and promote in your videos and can put the affiliate links in the description of your youtube videos.

How many subscribers do I need for affiliate marketing?

To start affiliate marketing with amazon or Flipkart, you don’t need subscribers. You can share your affiliate link in a youtube description even when you don’t have any subscribers.

But, one thing is to be noted that, having more subscribers tends to have more clicks on your… which means more chances of a purchase being made by your affiliate link.

How to promote affiliate links on Youtube?

The process of doing affiliate marketing with Youtube is simple only you have to join any affiliate program and put your affiliate links in the description of your youtube videos. Make sure to talk about the affiliate products once in your entire video and say once or twice at least to check the links in your description section to your viewers. So that some of them go through the link and whenever they buy any product within 24 hours from the click you will get paid.


Videos can be extremely valuable for your affiliate marketing ROI if used in the right way. They bring in traffic, generate higher engagement, improve click-through rate, and even boost your Google rankings. It’s also not as intimidating to create and use as it seems when you start. 

So if you’ve never made a video before, pick any video creation tool and start today. The more you do it, the easier video creation will become for you.