Ransomware and How to Manage a Ransomware Attack

ransomware attack and how to prevent your computers

Ways to Manage a Ransomware Attack

There are different types of cyberattacks and ransomware is one of them. It is affecting many organizations around the world and is making it harder for businesses to recover their data effectively through these attacks.

Cyber attackers and hackers have changed their ways and techniques to target different businesses and organizations. They are now looking for money and thus, a ransomware attack is the easiest way for them to do so.

Ransomware has increased threefold over the past few years and businesses are struggling on a daily basis to shield their organizations from it. Local government offices, the healthcare industry, media companies, academic institutes, and manufacturing organizations are some of the many industries that face the threat of ransomware largely.

Before we dig into the ways to manage a ransomware attack, it is important to understand what it actually is.

What is Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware is a type of cyber attack that builds a barrier for users to get access to their data and other systems. The ransom attacker demands a huge payment in order to return access to the organization. The attacker demands a ransom in the form of cryptocurrencies that are hard to trace by the authorities. The criminals also give a deadline for the ransom. They set a deal, stating that if the ransom is not paid on time, it will either be doubled in price or the organization won’t be able to get access to the files.

How does Ransomware affect your system?

There are different ways a ransom affects your system. The most common way it gets into your system is through phishing emails. This email has an attachment or link that contains the bug and the hacker instantly locks you out of your own system and you are unable to access it. The malware bug installs itself quickly in your system and within minutes, you are locked out of your own system. This is not only one of the most common but is also one of the easiest ways to get into an organization’s system.

Types of Ransomware Attacks:

Hackers and cyber attackers are crafting new ways and techniques to attack your systems. There is so much going on in the world of ransomware and multiple attackers are coming together with your data, so gathering knowledge about all the possible forms of attacks is important. If you have accurate knowledge up your sleeve, you are able to manage a ransomware attack in a better manner.

There are a few types of ransomware attacks and they are as listed below:

  • Encryption: this is the most common type of ransomware attack and was the first one too. Through this method, your data is encoded so that it becomes unreadable without specific keys. 
  • Locking: Cyber Attackers have created HTML pages that make you think that the cops are after you and you are required to pay a certain amount of fine. They lock you out of your screen and disable your keyboard too, through this technique. 
  • Mobile Ransomware: Ransomware is not only prone to computers and laptops only now. Attackers have now made it possible to attack your mobiles too and get into your social media accounts as a lot of businesses are now being functioned through smartphones. 
  • Deletion: With this technique, cyber attackers threaten to delete your data forever in exchange for ransom. It is best to keep a backup of all your business-related data, in different forms.

How to Manage a Ransomware Attack?

Is it possible for a company to reduce the risk of a ransomware attack or not? Or manage it quickly if they are attacked by this malware? Well, yes it is possible. There are some ways to manage a ransom attack and get yourself out of the situation.

Most importantly, you have to lock yourself out of all devices instantly. Disconnect it from the internet devices and all other networking systems. Ransom spreads like wildfire through the internet and Bluetooth etc. Thus, you need to act fast. Secondly, if you have an IT security team, you need to ping them right away and they will start managing the situation for you. As they are professionals in dealing with cyberattacks, they will be able to secure all your data within a short time.

If you have educated your employees about these attacks, then it is important to notify them as well. Let them know that you have met a cybersecurity attack and they will act accordingly too. Lastly, you must change all the login credentials as soon as possible, so that the hacker is not able to gain access to everything.


Businesses are now understanding the importance of proper and professional cybersecurity for their data. With cyber-attacks increasing day by day, it is crucial to know how to handle ransomware attacks and much more. By educating yourself and your employees and investing in an IT team, one can provide the needed security to their organizations.