8 Best and Reliable Discord Bot Hosting Platforms With Affordable Pricing

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Looking for a reliable discord bot hosting platform? If yes then we have listed some best and reliable discord bot hosting platforms in the below list. We have seen rapid growth in the number of discord bots in the past few years but which one is good and reliable. The reliability depends on different factors and we will discuss those factors on which the reliability of a discord bot hosting platform depends.

The business trend has been changed a lot nowadays. All the businesses are searching for intelligent and sleek tools in their workflow, better communication, and collaboration with others. Chatbots are the best example of such technological advancements that have made things easier and simple for both businesses and individuals. Chatbots help to set the pres defined messages when you are absent and today chatbots are enough smart because of Artificial intelligence they can chat like a human beings. The chatbots represent design with a human touch via text messages. They provide different services like collecting the data and integrating games to moderating chats and many other things in between to provide a better user experience. You can further use that collected data for further market research and sales strategy.

DISCORD is an excellent choice to help you to do multiple and more tasks with its unique features and capabilities. So let’s discuss some points before talking about the reliable discord bot hosting platforms.

What is Discord Bot?

A DISCORD bot is a digital tool that can perform many useful and effective tasks directly on your server. It will help you to maximize your server productivity and efficiency by collecting very useful data like – delivering notifications. moderating the content and conversations, scheduling the events, welcoming new members, and many more other tasks.

You can also use its commands to add your favorite memes, games, music, etc. to your server directly. Discord works very effectively and professionally it is best for the admins who want to moderate their server to team members who want to interact with others in a creative way.

Some of the most popular Discord bots are Apollo, Dank, Memer, Trello Talk, MEE6, and others.

If you have decided to use a Discord bot for your task it can be for individual use or for business purposes hosting your Discord bot on a reliable platform is necessary.

But why host the discord bot on a reliable hosting platform? We will answer this question below.

Reasons why host the Discord Bot on a reliable hosting platform?

It is obvious that everyone would like to choose a reliable and secure hosting platform to host his/her discord bot. There are various factors on which the reliability of a hosting platform depends.


Security is one of the main components when it comes to choosing to host to keep your discord server secure from online threats. Choose the platform that provides DDoS protection, compliance, secure file transfer, SSL and firewalls. That will keep your server secure from cyber attacks.


Sometimes when the user increases we need more space and resources so you don’t have to struggle with limited resources. For that choose a platform that allows you to scale your resources according to your need. You can customize your RAM, Processor, disk space, bandwidth, etc as per your requirements. Inform your service provider and they will make the changes for you within few clicks. Some of the platforms give you full access so that you can customize them from your end.

Dedicated resources and Excellent Performance

When choosing a hosting provider we choose the RAM size, CPU, Disk space and other things as per our requirements. But when we choose a single server where other sites are also hosted like shared hosting which is cheaper but not so good. Because when that server will be hosting two different sites with yours and if one of them will be consuming more resources then that will badly affect yours also. You both the parties are paying the same amount but you are not able to utilize the resources. So in that case choose a dedicated server to host your discord bot with customized resources.

Flexible Pricing

Many hosting providers offer services for monthly subscriptions or hourly plans. You can also choose to pay for the resources you use. A flexible pricing model saves a lot of your money because you pay for the resources you use and if your user base increases and you use some extra resources the pricing will be adjusted accordingly.

Customer Support

You can migrate services and move your data to other servers or providers. Some of the hosting providers charge for migrating the data and some do it for free. If you face some problem you can also talk with their customer support and they will resolve all your doubts and issues.

So let’s have a look at some hosting providers that are reliable to host your Discord bot.

1 – SomethingHost

SomethingHost is one of the best platforms to host your discord bot and it gives you the best Discord bot hosting experiences. They have a variety of programming languages that are supported by this platform.

Within few clicks, you are able to scale up your hosting plan according to your need or growth. As result, it will improve your discord bot uptime and reliability, and service. You will get a very easy-to-use control panel which is known as SomethingCP from where you will be able to control every aspect of your discord bot and get useful and important stats and data such as your discord bot’s total CPU and RAM usage. With their custom SSH server and web-based console, you can debug your discord bot and squash any bugs. You can also host your custom web servers in your bot that can be accessed with a custom domain or with a subdomain provided by them. You can create a dedicated subdomain to access your custom server. SomethingHost provides you a free SSL certificate for better security and encryption.

The starting plan of SomethingHost starts from 1.49 Euros

2 – GameserverKings

Another offering for hosting discord bot by GameserverKings it will provide every resource you need to host your bot with a satisfactory user experience. It gives amazing performance and features and it is totally value for money for its pricing. Manage your custom build control panel very easily. Simply you have to do is upload your bot and let them manage your server automatically. Their smart and intelligent system determines how to run the bot and ensures you get proper server resources to run it 24*7 without any delay. Their powerful servers can handle massive internet traffic.

Other than these they allow you some add-on services to empower your discord bot like – MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB and Redis. You don’t need to configure the software manually simply deploy it with the help of a control panel very easily.

3 – Amazon EC2

You all know about Amazon the eCommerce giant that provides also cloud services which are known as Amazon web services. Amazon EC2(Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) is build to make cloud computing easy on a web scale which is very good for the developers. You can measure and configure your server capacity with low friction. You will have full control over your computing resources how they will be used for a dedicated task. You will have a large variety of choices for the webserver types like – Linux based, windows, Unix, MAC, etc. as well as a wide range of processors.

Amazon cloud processors are very fast and efficient with up to 400GBps of speed and their costing is totally satisfactory. Amazon servers are all over the globe more than 77 servers availability zones are there. You can scale your server capacity within minutes with few clicks. The server comes with an AWS Nitro system and minimizes the attack surface.

4 – JetStax

Jetstax is one of the best reliable discord bot hosting platforms with different pricing as per your budget and need. Get your own discord bot online within seconds on this platform. Use their simple feature-rich managed control panel to control your bot hosting service.

The starting pricing to host your discord bot on this platform starts from 0.75 Euros which is interesting pricing. They offer space from 128 MB to 6 GB and you can also choose the custom option. They offer unlimited bandwidth for their all plans which is a good thing.

Some key features of this platform are:

  • Setup instantly
  • Get free databases
  • Free subdomain
  • DDOS protection
  • Scale and upgrade
  • Add sub-users

The hosting platform supports almost all the most popular languages you can use to host your bot. You get 24*7 customer support to solve your issues and doubts.

5 – Oxide Hosting

Oxide Hosting is a newly launched hosting company that offers products like – game hosting, virtual servers, website hosting, discord bot hosting, and domain registration. So if you are a game developer, web developer, or others and want to host your game, website, discord, or other projects then it could be the best hosting platform for you. They offer you your individual control panel, anti-DDoS protection, automate module installer, and unlimited bandwidth. The pricing of hosting starts from 1.78 $ per month and goes up to 4.81 $ per month. You should consider this platform once if you are looking to host any of the projects.

You get the pterodactyl control panel to control your server and other settings. The pterodactyl control panel offers features like – website file management, mobile applications, MySQL database. The additional features involve an on-demand language changer and Github sync support.

6 – Auto Code

Auto code is a San Fransisco based hosting companny. Auto code is another best discord bot hosting platform you can try to host your bot. You can build your code-powered discord bot within minutes without worrying about servers, reconnections, and sockets. You can also hook them to any other API as per your need and choice. Host your bot for business or pleasure.

You get a demo tutorial video on how to host. Connect your bot to discord with a single line of code and manage discord authentication easily. Update your bot easily and instantly within no time. Connect your discord to any other API with one line of code. You can signup with a Google account.

They offer 4 pricing models –

  • Bronze – free to use and can handle 100,000 requests per month
  • Silver – 9 $ per month
  • Gold – 20 $ per month
  • Diamond – 3,000 $ per year

If you are a beginner then the bronze package is built for you to try it and then you can upgrade your plan further.

7 – Dashflo.net

It is a powerful and affordable discord bot hosting platform made that helps you to run your discord bot easier. The server deployment is faster and comes with easy to use control panel as well as it supports node.js and python. looking for a reliable discord bot hosting platform? If yes then we have listed some best and reliable discord bot hosting platforms in the below list. We have seen rapid growth in the number of discord bots in the past few years but which one is good and reliable. The reliability depends on different factors and we will discuss those factors on which the reliability of a discord bot hosting platform depends.

The business trend has been changed a lot nowadays. All the businesses are searching for intelligent and sleek tools in their workflow, better communication, and collaboration with others. Chatbots are the best example of such technological advancements that have made things easier and simple for both businesses and individuals. Chatbots help to set the pres defined messages when you are absent and today chatbots are enough smart because of Artificial intelligence they can chat like a human beings. The chatbots represent design with a human touch via text messages. They provide different services like collecting the data and integrating games to moderating chats and many other things in between to provide a better user experience. You can further use that collected data for further market research and sales strategy.

DISCORD is an excellent choice to help you to do multiple and more tasks with its unique features and capabilities. So let’s discuss some points before talking about the reliable discord bot hosting platforms.

What is Discord Bot?

A DISCORD bot is a digital tool that can perform many useful and effective tasks directly on your server. It will help you to maximize your server productivity and efficiency by collecting very useful data like – delivering notifications. moderating the content and conversations, scheduling the events, welcoming new members, and many more other tasks.

You can also use its commands to add your favorite memes, games, music, etc. to your server directly. Discord works very effectively and professionally it is best for the admins who want to moderate their server to team members who want to interact with others in a creative way.

Some of the most popular Discord bots are Apollo, Dank, Memer, Trello Talk, MEE6, and others.

If you have decided to use a Discord bot for your task it can be for individual use or for business purposes hosting your Discord bot on a reliable platform is necessary.

But why host the discord bot on a reliable hosting platform? We will answer this question below.

Reasons why host the Discord Bot on a reliable hosting platform?

It is obvious that everyone would like to choose a reliable and secure hosting platform to host his/her discord bot. There are various factors on which the reliability of a hosting platform depends.


Security is one of the main components when it comes to choosing to host to keep your discord server secure from online threats. Choose the platform that provides DDoS protection, compliance, secure file transfer, SSL and firewalls. That will keep your server secure from cyber attacks.


Sometimes when the user increases we need more space and resources so you don’t have to struggle with limited resources. For that choose a platform that allows you to scale your resources according to your need. You can customize your RAM, Processor, disk space, bandwidth, etc as per your requirements. Inform your service provider and they will make the changes for you within few clicks. Some of the platforms give you full access so that you can customize them from your end.

Dedicated resources and Excellent Performance

When choosing a hosting provider we choose the RAM size, CPU, Disk space and other things as per our requirements. But when we choose a single server where other sites are also hosted like shared hosting which is cheaper but not so good. Because when that server will be hosting two different sites with yours and if one of them will be consuming more resources then that will badly affect yours also. You both the parties are paying the same amount but you are not able to utilize the resources. So in that case choose a dedicated server to host your discord bot with customized resources.

Flexible Pricing

Many hosting providers offer services for monthly subscriptions or hourly plans. You can also choose to pay for the resources you use. A flexible pricing model saves a lot of your money because you pay for the resources you use and if your user base increases and you use some extra resources the pricing will be adjusted accordingly.

Customer Support

You can migrate services and move your data to other servers or providers. Some of the hosting providers charge for migrating the data and some do it for free. If you face some problem you can also talk with their customer support and they will resolve all your doubts and issues.

So let’s have a look at some hosting providers that are reliable to host your Discord bot.

1 – SomethingHost

SomethingHost is one of the best platforms to host your discord bot and it gives you the best Discord bot hosting experiences. They have a variety of programming languages that are supported by this platform.

Within few clicks, you are able to scale up your hosting plan according to your need or growth. As result, it will improve your discord bot uptime and reliability, and service. You will get a very easy-to-use control panel which is known as SomethingCP from where you will be able to control every aspect of your discord bot and get useful and important stats and data such as your discord bot’s total CPU and RAM usage. With their custom SSH server and web-based console, you can debug your discord bot and squash any bugs. You can also host your custom web servers in your bot that can be accessed with a custom domain or with a subdomain provided by them. You can create a dedicated subdomain to access your custom server. SomethingHost provides you a free SSL certificate for better security and encryption.

The starting plan of SomethingHost starts from 1.49 Euros

2 – GameserverKings

Another offering for hosting discord bot by GameserverKings it will provide every resource you need to host your bot with a satisfactory user experience. It gives amazing performance and features and it is totally value for money for its pricing. Manage your custom build control panel very easily. Simply you have to do is upload your bot and let them manage your server automatically. Their smart and intelligent system determines how to run the bot and ensures you get proper server resources to run it 24*7 without any delay. Their powerful servers can handle massive internet traffic.

Other than these they allow you some add-on services to empower your discord bot like – MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB and Redis. You don’t need to configure the software manually simply deploy it with the help of a control panel very easily.

3 – Amazon EC2

You all know about Amazon the eCommerce giant that provides also cloud services which are known as Amazon web services. Amazon EC2(Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) is build to make cloud computing easy on a web scale which is very good for the developers. You can measure and configure your server capacity with low friction. You will have full control over your computing resources how they will be used for a dedicated task. You will have a large variety of choices for the webserver types like – Linux based, windows, Unix, MAC, etc. as well as a wide range of processors.

Amazon cloud processors are very fast and efficient with up to 400GBps of speed and their costing is totally satisfactory. Amazon servers are all over the globe more than 77 servers availability zones are there. You can scale your server capacity within minutes with few clicks. The server comes with an AWS Nitro system and minimizes the attack surface.

4 – JetStax

Jetstax is one of the best reliable discord bot hosting platforms with different pricing as per your budget and need. Get your own discord bot online within seconds on this platform. Use their simple feature-rich managed control panel to control your bot hosting service.

The starting pricing to host your discord bot on this platform starts from 0.75 Euros which is interesting pricing. They offer space from 128 MB to 6 GB and you can also choose the custom option. They offer unlimited bandwidth for their all plans which is a good thing.

Some key features of this platform are:

  • Setup instantly
  • Get free databases
  • Free subdomain
  • DDOS protection
  • Scale and upgrade
  • Add sub-users

The hosting platform supports almost all the most popular languages you can use to host your bot. You get 24*7 customer support to solve your issues and doubts.

5 – Oxide Hosting

Oxide Hosting is a newly launched hosting company that offers products like – game hosting, virtual servers, website hosting, discord bot hosting, and domain registration. So if you are a game developer, web developer, or others and want to host your game, website, discord, or other projects then it could be the best hosting platform for you. They offer you your individual control panel, anti-DDoS protection, automate module installer, and unlimited bandwidth. The pricing of hosting starts from 1.78 $ per month and goes up to 4.81 $ per month. You should consider this platform once if you are looking to host any of the projects.

You get the pterodactyl control panel to control your server and other settings. The pterodactyl control panel offers features like – website file management, mobile applications, MySQL database. The additional features involve an on-demand language changer and Github sync support.

6 – Auto Code

Auto code is a San Fransisco based hosting companny. Auto code is another best discord bot hosting platform you can try to host your bot. You can build your code-powered discord bot within minutes without worrying about servers, reconnections, and sockets. You can also hook them to any other API as per your need and choice. Host your bot for business or pleasure.

You get a demo tutorial video on how to host. Connect your bot to discord with a single line of code and manage discord authentication easily. Update your bot easily and instantly within no time. Connect your discord to any other API with one line of code. You can signup with a Google account.

They offer 4 pricing models –

  • Bronze – free to use and can handle 100,000 requests per month
  • Silver – 9 $ per month
  • Gold – 20 $ per month
  • Diamond – 3,000 $ per year

If you are a beginner then the bronze package is built for you to try it and then you can upgrade your plan further.

7 – Dashflo.net

It is a powerful and affordable discord bot hosting platform made that helps you to run your discord bot easier. The server deployment is faster and comes with easy to use control panel as well as it supports node.js and python. It is one of the best bot hosting platforms for beginners and experts. The pricing starts from 1 Euro to  5 Euros there are 3 plans you can choose as per your requirements. It supports different bot languages and you get a super-fast networking speed of up to 1 Bbit/s. You can control your bot with a remote API.

The hosting provider provides different types of hosting like – Minecraft hosting, discord bot hosting, web hosting, virtual private servers as well as dedicated servers. You must consider this hosting platform for your projects. is one of the best bot hosting platforms for beginners and experts? The pricing starts from 1 Euro to  5 Euros there are 3 plans you can choose as per your requirements. It supports different bot languages and you get a super-fast networking speed of up to 1 Bbit/s. You can control your bot with a remote API.

The hosting provider provides different types of hosting like – Minecraft hosting, discord bot hosting, web hosting, virtual private servers as well as dedicated servers. You must consider this hosting platform for your projects.

8  Plesk

Plesk is a leading WebOps hosting platform that provides different types of hostings like – shared hosting, VPS hosting, etc. You can host your web applications, websites, blogs and you can start your own hosting business with Plesk. You can host your discord bot on Plesk hosting platform. Plesk is running more than 384,000 servers automating more than 11 Million + websites and blogs all over the world and supports more than 32 languages and they are operating across 140+ countries. You must have a look at Plesk’s service


So these were some discord bot hosting platforms you can use to host your discord bot. See the pricing and other specs of these platforms then select the perfect one for you from the above bot hosting platforms list and host your projects.