Ruby on Rails vs. Node.js: (In-Depth comparison)

Ruby vs rails vs node js which is better

Ruby on Rails VS Node.js: (In-Depth comparison)

Companies and start-ups find it challenging to choose the right technology, language, and frameworks. Node.js and Ruby on Rails both have a wide range of features and are cutting-edge technology. This article will compare Node.js and Ruby on Rail and keep key differences in front of you.


ROR (Ruby on Rail)

It is a server-side web application framework and open-source software written in Ruby under MIT license. It is pretty appealing and comes with loaded features such as:

  • Good code quality
  • Rapid application development
  • Design friendly
  • Saves effort and time
  • Big Community
  • Can work with fewer codes.
  • Good libraries


Pros/Advantages of Ruby on Rails

  1. Cost-Effective – Ruby on Rails has several libraries known as “GEMS,” and these libraries are free of cost. Developers can download any library for free from GITHUB. Hence, developers find Ruby on Rails cost-effective and speedier.

  2. Easy to code – This can also be applied to refactoring codes. Being an open-source software and constantly improving timeline makes it perfect for the developers to use. Libraries are readily available that can be used to customize the project by adding features. 

  3. Faster Delivery process (idea to the user) – Changes in the application can easily be done with the use of Ruby on Rails. With the release of the product, users may face some unexpected errors, developers always look for faster improvement, and Ruby on Rails provides this feature.

  4. Entirely suitable for all scales of businesses – Giant companies such as GitHub, Basecamp, Airbnb have used Ruby on Rails. This shows that small businesses, as well as big tech companies highly, rely on Ruby on Rails as their preferred framework.

  5. Enthusiastic Community for better interaction between developers – The community support is outstanding, and hence issues related to security and libraries are resolved in knick of time. 

  6. Compatibility with front-end framework – Ruby on Rails follows MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. Model layers have rules to manipulate data as well as store business logic.

  7. Full-stack web development – Ruby on Rails is known for its highly structured framework. Rails have a set of rules that has to be followed. Developers have to define a view, controller, and routes to get a response to a request. MVC is time-consuming, but the codes are written, are well organized, and easy to read.

  8. Suitable for Content Management System – Ruby on Rails has entered content management, giving PHP tough competition. Ruby on Rails has high abstraction levels that help in writing rich content.                      


Cons of Ruby on Rails


  1. Ineffectiveness in Garbage collection – Garbage collected languages are slower and can result in a sudden spike of memory usage and a drop in performance speed in the app. In Ruby, GC.disable will stop garbage collection, but other libraries that handle memory leaks act as temporary solutions.

  2. Lack of Static Typing System – To increase code reliability, team communication, and documenting development Typing system is crucial. Typing system also helps the app to increase its compatibility for different browsers. 

  3. Hard to find good documentation – Most of the essential documentation can be found, but as the level goes up, developers have to look at multiple places to fetch good documentation.



Node JS

Node.js is the most popular programming language used as a client-side development tool. Node.js was introduced to make JavaScript a full-stack development language and is an open-source runtime environment based on Chrome V8. Node.js allows programs written on JavaScript to be executed on the server. Node is part of 

  • MongoDB
  • Express
  • Angular
  • React

There are many popular frameworks for Node, such as Sails, Express, Meteor. Giant companies such as Netflix, Uber, eBay use Node.js as their programming language.


Pros of Node.js

  1. JavaScript to server – Node.js has opened the doors for full-stack development using JavaScript. Node.js Development Companies use libraries of JavaScript. JavaScript is lightweight because of fewer lines of code and helps in syncing of backend and front end.

  2. Easy to use – Developers can easily use chunks of codes known as modules written by other developers. This feature gives them more flexibility and scalability over the platform that helps the developers to make the app better.

  3. Good for Microservices – Node.js is a favorite for microservices architecture (breaking down the app into isolated surfaces such as UI). This helps in fixing existing architecture and improves the quality of the app. 

  4. Speed – Node.js is considered fast because of the involvement of the Chrome V8 engine because it acts as a compiler and stores the java codes into machine language.

  5. Great Community Support- JavaScript community notes constant improvement in the engine as Google pays special attention to it. “Node.js” event-based nature makes it high in efficiency with real-time applications. A great number of libraries and tools can be found on “NPM.” NPM is the default package manager and marketplace. 

  6. Easy to learn – Front-end developers find Node.js easy since it contains libraries of JavaScript and a supportive community, and its popularity makes it suitable for both experienced and beginner coders.

Cons of ode.js

Node.js uses a non-blocking input-output model for processing requests, so the nature is single-threaded but when there is a heavy computation request, Node.js sets blocks on another request, causing the overall delay. Recent updates come with support for multi-threading, which is an experimental feature.

  • Poor availability of stable tools- On NPM, many tools are not very stable and badly documented. Core products on NPM are well tested, hence providing a better working, but many NPM registries are not that well structured. 

  • Few Experienced Developers – There are fewer JavaScript developers who work on the backend.

  • Unstable API- There are many factors that contribute to instability, such as lack of standard library, Asynchronous Programming Model.


Comparison Between Node.js vs. Ruby

Node.js is an application runtime environment, whereas Ruby on Rails is a framework.






Ruby on Rails



Highly flexible with the help of some modules 


Low flexibility and rigid process



It gives you a fresh install


It gives you generators with a fresh install


Development Process

It takes more time because of integrating different modules


Faster since many tasks such as database transfer can be done with few commands

Learning Curve

It is understandable by beginners and experienced coders


With a proper understanding of technical terms such as classes & objects, it can be learned, but it will take time.



It is comparatively higher than Ruby on Rails


Less than Node.js in most cases since projects can be delivered faster







In some cases, Node.js is better, and in some cases, Ruby on Rails is better, but in the end, the decision is to be taken by the developers as they have different requirements depending upon the projects. The more developers are experienced, the better decision they can make in choosing a language. JavaScript is an old but widely used language; hence have greater exposure.


Ruby on Rails is comparatively new, and the scope is limited for now, but it is best with the application of the Relational database. Node.js provides speed and scalability; therefore, they are growing at a rapid rate. Node.js is far better in many aspects when it comes to real-time web applications.

Ruby and Ruby on Rails (often referred to as Rails) can be helpful in mobile app development in several ways:

  1. API Development: Ruby on Rails is known for its robust support for building APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). When developing a mobile app, you need a backend system to handle data storage, user authentication, and other server-side operations. Rails makes it easy to create RESTful APIs, which can be consumed by your mobile app to communicate with the server.
  2. Rapid Development: Ruby on Rails is famous for its developer-friendly, convention-over-configuration approach. This means that it provides sensible defaults and conventions for structuring your application. This can significantly speed up the development process, allowing you to create and iterate on your mobile app more quickly.
  3. Gem Ecosystem: Ruby has a vast ecosystem of libraries and packages called “gems.” Rails leverages these gems to provide additional functionality. Many gems are available to help with common tasks in mobile app development, such as authentication, authorization, and data storage.
  4. Cross-Platform Development: While Ruby itself is not a cross-platform mobile app development language, you can use Rails to create a web-based mobile app that works across multiple platforms through a responsive design. This can save time and effort compared to building separate native apps for iOS and Android.
  5. Prototyping: Ruby on Rails is an excellent choice for creating prototypes and minimum viable products (MVPs). If you’re testing a mobile app concept, you can quickly build a functional backend and web interface with Rails to gather user feedback before investing in native app development.
  6. Community and Support: Both Ruby and Ruby on Rails have active and supportive communities. You can find a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and online forums to help you solve problems and learn best practices for mobile app development.
  7. Scalability: While Rails is often associated with rapid development, it can also scale well when designed properly. As your mobile app gains users and data, Rails provides tools and practices to optimize and scale your backend infrastructure.
  8. Integration: Ruby and Rails can integrate with various third-party services and APIs, which is essential for mobile app development. You can easily connect your app to services like payment gateways, social media platforms, or geolocation services.
  9. Testing and Quality Assurance: Ruby on Rails has a strong emphasis on testing and test-driven development (TDD). This is crucial for ensuring the reliability and stability of your mobile app’s backend. Rails provides tools like RSpec and Capybara for writing comprehensive tests.
  10. Cost-Efficiency: Ruby and Ruby on Rails are open-source, which means you can develop mobile apps without incurring licensing costs. This can be particularly advantageous for startups and small businesses with limited budgets.

While Ruby on Rails is primarily used for building the backend of mobile apps, it plays a vital role in creating a robust and scalable infrastructure that supports the functionality of your mobile application. To create the actual mobile app, you would typically use languages like Swift for iOS or Kotlin for Android, or cross-platform frameworks like Flutter or React Native, which can also communicate with the Rails backend through APIs.