Things to Consider By a Business Owner When Hiring Employees

What a Business Owner Should Consider When Hiring Employees

It is an exciting time when a business crosses the threshold from starting up, into the stage of being able to hire and facilitate employees that will contribute to its success and output. Regardless of the nature of business. However, when one takes on the task of hiring employees, there are a few factors to take into consideration.

As the nature of ‘the workplace’ has changed today due to the global pandemic, businesses of all natures have taken to relying on online tools in order to facilitate their day-to-day processes, including tasks like hiring independent contractors.

A tool such as CocoSign not only aims to not slow down the productivity of a business but boost it and provide safe and secure means for important documents to be officiated by signatories. Also providing simple and all-encompassing contracts one can use for their hiring processes.

There are certain important factors that CocoSign contracts cover. Not only that, but these elements should be taken into consideration under any circumstance when one is taking on hiring individuals;

  1. Drawing up an employee contract 

Having the details under which an employee or contractor is being hired, is a key factor in ensuring all parties understand one another, and all shall act in accordance with it. A contract also ensures that in case of any future errors, there is an official agreement to refer back to for accountability.

A business owner could decide to use a standard employee contract or independent contractor agreement for their hiree’s, or decide to have an agreement customized to cater to certain specifics they feel must not be left out. 

  1. Gaining the attention of the right candidates

In order for a business owner to attract the most fitting candidates, drafting a carefully worded and simple description is imperative. One should be clear and straightforward with the qualifications an interested party should possess, in order to be taken into consideration. This saves time for a business owner, during the hiring process.  

  1. Review credentials and applications diligently

As the aforementioned point suggests, the target is to utilize time efficiently during the hiring process, by aiming to spend it interviewing the most qualified candidates. Screen all applicants against the list of skills, experience, characteristics, and qualifications that you initially sought out. This bulleted list of requirements is a crucial part of the recruitment planning process, that can narrow down the candidates to meet, from all that applied. 

  1. Conducting background and reference checks

Verifying that all stated credentials brought forth by a candidate are valid, is very imperative to their credibility. Skipping such a stage can cause problems to a business owner if they are to find that down the line, a hiree has forged credentials. This not only hurts the credibility of the hiree but can hurt that of the business too. 

Being able to contact previous employers and make inquiries, can bring valuable insight into a candidate’s character, that formal credentials on a CV simply cannot. 

Furthermore, extensive checks into other factors such as credit history and criminal history can also provide information that may be useful to a business owner, when finalizing hiring decisions. 

  1. Having a discipline and grievance policy

An employee handbook or company policy should be thought through and devised before hiring interested parties can begin. One that not only covers grievances, but other circumstances such as expectations, the strategic objectives and vision of the business, and any other elements a business owner would like to be clear on, that a prospective employee should know beforehand. 

  1. A training and induction plan 

A prearranged course of action to settle new members-on-board into what their role shall be, and into the new work environment. As expected of new employees, there is a grace period into one delving into a company’s culture, as well as getting acclimated with colleagues, and what their targets to meet will be. Having a training plan can make this grace period a swift and smooth one. 

7.  Tailoring your job interview questions

The job interviewees a powerful factor in the hiring process. Once a business owner selects a candidate based on their credentials, it is important to decide whether a candidate is more than just a good fit on paper. Having well-thought-out interview questions can help an employer get to know a candidate’s interpersonal characteristics, and decide whether they would be an asset to their team, and positively contribute to the work environment one wishes to build. 


A business owner should have the compensation package they wish to offer, in mind. This should be in line with the kind of service they would be hiring an individual for, and it should be a fair amount. It is also advisable for an employer to be prepared within their budget and determine whether they would or would not be willing to offer more if qualified candidates wish to negotiate. 

Extending a job offer

Conventionally, a candidate and a business owner may negotiate some terms in a final job interview, and come to an understanding over details such as salary, benefits, and severance details. It is important that these areas be taken not of, and noted in a job offer letter, which confirms the verbal agreement. Although this letter is not to be confused with a contractual agreement, which goes into much more detail. 


Hiring the right candidates for one’s business can truly make or break the productivity and success of a business, especially if it is the first hiring cycle a business owner is taking on. 

However, through diligent screening and recruitment processes, and with the use of trustworthy contractual agreements (whether employee or independent), the hiring process can lead to one employing true assets to their team and vision.